The Ultimate Japanese resource guide
The biggest challenge for those first starting out with the Japanese language is where the hell to start. After 7ish years and working...

Japanese in 12 course review
Japanese is a wonderful language, and I have a wonderful resource to share with you! This post will take you through the brilliance that...

How to actually learn multiple languages at once
Is it possible to learn more than one language at the same time? In one word - yes. Here's 9 do's and don'ts for learning multiple languages

How to study with online classes - tips from an Open University student
Switching to online lessons this year but don't know what to do about it? Here are 8 tips from an Open Uni student to help you out.

7 actionable tips to learn new vocabulary in your target language
Struggling with learning new vocabulary in your target language? Here are 7 actionable tips to help you on your study journey.

6 reasons why language dabbling is a good thing
Curious to try a new language but don't want to commit? Why not dabble! Here's 6 reasons why language dabbling is a good thing

Top tips for learning a language with textbooks
If you're like me and use textbooks as your resource of choice, make sure you're getting the most out of it with these 8 top tips!

How to stay motivated when learning a language
Struggling with motivation in your language studies? Here are 5 tips to get you back on track!